Choose Model
Fixed in place or Mobile


Non-winched or winched
Economy Front Foot Support
The cows front leg is raised to the support with the help of the rope braid which is wound around the leg.
The braid is then secured in the self-tightening cleat.
NB This comes standard unless upgrade is selected.

Winched Front Foot Support
The Winched upgrade makes lifting a cows front hoof easier.
Place the strap around the cows leg and clip back onto itself using the stainless steel S hook.
Winch the cows leg, using your hands to help guide and lift the leg until it is lying in the front foot support. Remove the winch handle and place back in its' keeper.
The braid can be wound around the cows leg twice (to spread the load) then attached in the cleat. The cleat activates on the upwards pull so is self-tightening if the cow tries to struggle.

© 2015 The Wrangler Ltd
®The Wrangler, ROG, and PollenSmart designs, logos, and names are subject to New Zealand and worldwide patents and trademarks.
Choose Back Leg Winch
Clapper Back Leg Winch

Standard on all Wrangler models.
Clapper winch with 'steering wheel' handle. Braked on the way up then release clapper to lower cows' leg.
Braked Back Leg Winch

Stainless Steel Braked Rear Leg Winch 4.5:1 ratio.
Gives added control and safety when lowering leg. Wind the leg up then wind the leg down.
Recommended for situations where there are staff and safety is vital.
Choose Headbail
Faster, safer, and easier
Close headbail from behind cow.
When finished pull lever which releases both yokes allowing cow to step through the front of the headbail to exit.
Walk Thru Headbail

Close from behind by pulling gate rope. When treatment is finished, lift clapper to release yolk then lift pin and swing open the headbail gate for animal to walk out.
Gate Headbail

Add Flooring:
Green Grating

Rubber Matting
To allow for freestanding use
Required if Race or Base are to be used without bolting in place.
e.g. temporary at cowshed or for use in paddock.
Comes standard in Premier and Pro Wranglers. As the wood can become slippery, we recommend a mat over the wooden floor.

Wooden Floor
Diamond Grip Rubber Matting
20mm extra-thick, with large cleats on top for grip.

For greater cow comfort & grip.
Helps the cow stand more sure-footed and not 'dance around'.
Highly recommended for Race as cows generally don't like standing on concrete. Excellent in Premier Wrangler where the wooden floor can otherwise become slippery. Comes standard in Pro Wrangler

Wide Tyres
More options:
Quick Chain Release
For easy release of backing chain when backing cow out of Wrangler.
Standard on Premier and Pro

Swing Gates
Small gates for around Wrangler. Standard with Pro Wrangler.
Right Side Removable
for ExploratorySurgery
NB this is in addition to the left-side removable which is standard on all Wrangler models
Rear Gudgeons
For hanging gates from back of Race Wrangler (standard on Premier)
Premier Upgrade for use on wet terrain
Additional Bars

Extra removable side bars available
Calving Attachment

For cows requiring calving assistance.
Rotates up and out of the way for cow to walk in.
Two angle settings.
Uses Wrangler top winch.
Farmer can use both hands for calving with no equipment on cow to get in the way.
Additional tension can be added by pushing on rope.
Great on Premier as mobie calving crush in the paddock
Calving Attachment
Instructions pg 1
Calving Attachment
Instructions pg 2